Health & Safety

Safety Comes

Safe Marine Services

Nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of our passengers and crew—a standard of excellence validated by our perfect safety record.

We developed and implemented a comprehensive Safety Management System to ensure that we operate within the safest environment possible. This includes Safe Work Procedures and Practices that exceed industry standards, as well as job and project planning centered around safety.

Trained Experts

All members of the Orca Spirit Marine Services team participate in numerous training sessions each year to ensure that their skills on our vessels and on the water are top-notch. We’re dedicated to continual improvement and are currently working towards Certificate of Recognition (COR) accreditation—an occupational health and safety certificate that verifies organizations are operating under policies and procedures that meet standards set by national governing bodies. Our team members also hold individual certifications in areas such as Marine Advanced First Aid, Emergency Medical Response, Search and Rescue and Advanced Police Techniques.

Certified Vessels

All Orca Spirit vessels are Transport Canada certified and inspected annually. Each is fully equipped with personal flotation devices, rescue equipment, fire detection monitors and extinguishers, emergency signaling and sophisticated safety navigation and communications systems. Passenger safety orientations are conducted prior to every trip.

Proven Track Record

Thanks to a combination of stringent safety programs and processes that meet and exceed Transport Canada requirements, and ongoing training that prepares us to deal with possible emergencies, we’ve never had a single safety incident in almost 20 years of service. 

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